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Put it on the Shelf: a "wait to respond" hack for Generators & Manifesting Generators

Our Human Design lays out our Decision-Making Strategy: how we're meant to make decisions from our bodies wisdom, from our higher self, and from our intuition, as opposed to from our mind. Because contrary to what we most of us were taught and the way that we've lived most of our life, our minds are really terrible at making decisions for us.

Why our Mind is terrible at making decisions

What really helped me understand the difference between making a decision from my body and my intuition, and making a decision for my mind was this robot metaphor:

Scientists and computer engineers have been trying and making great strides, obviously, in machine learning and artificial intelligence. But they still aren't able, at this point anyway, to create a robot with a sophisticated enough architecture that it can navigate, for example, the lobby at Grand Central Station at rush hour. In a super busy place where people are moving in many directions at many different speeds, quite...

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