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LUMOS 006: Using my work to prove my worth

The biggest "Shadow" in my Human Design is my wide open Heart center. This means that I have the most unlearning to do around feeling like I have to prove myself, to achieve for the admiration and respect of other people.

I've done A LOT of work on this. To let go of doing things for the respect of others or not doing things I really want to do because I'm worried I'll lose that admiration.

And yet, what I've realized during this pandemic lockdown is I still use work as a way to prove myself. 

In this episode of LUMOS I explore how this sneaky Shadow was showing up in my business and how I'm moving through it.


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LUMOS 005: Why I'm sensitive to all the fear and emotion around me

I went to the grocery store for the first time during France's COVID-19 lockdown and had a complete meltdown when I got home. I picked a fight with my husband and then broke into tears. Nothing unusual had happened during my shopping trip.

As I was collecting myself after the fact, I had an ah-ha moment about my own energy and sensitivities to fear and emotions specifically. (I have an undefined Spleen and undefined Solar Plexus in my Human Design.) I share my thoughts in this episode of LUMOS, along with some ideas for how I can avoid the meltdown in future.


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